cchench 发表于 2017-8-27 11:27:30

Maciljason 发表于 2014-9-6 08:21

如果是新账号才上新品,由于是小白一个,在标题和brand里 写了个即将想注册的单词作为品牌,一共上了五个产品,前面四个是准备发FBA 的,最后一个是自配送的,但是才上没多久,然后就收到了小红旗说有侵权倾向,需要提供各种资料,这种申诉成功的几率大? 可以用这个模板???求帮助

cchench 发表于 2017-8-27 11:45:08

yzqdt326 发表于 2016-8-8 10:17
亚马逊邮件里有说的,我们供应商的联系方式。我们采购的发票合同等。我也没全部货的都提交,就提交了2、3 ...

没有发票 有合同,授权书,交货单,供应商联系方式,这些够了吗?

cchench 发表于 2017-8-27 13:38:51

Miguel 发表于 2016-12-2 08:53
申诉了一次 他给我解封了店铺 但还是要我提供授权和发票 提供了就过了

亲 你的发票是咋弄的?我们是网上采购的,然后对方不能提供发票,给钱他也不能提供 ,这咋办啊?

cchench 发表于 2017-8-27 13:50:48

lin339725620 发表于 2016-12-19 23:51


cchench 发表于 2017-8-27 13:54:14

各自安好 发表于 2017-2-6 12:00
谢谢楼主的分享,等下自己润色后试试看。我们收到侵权邮件,没告知是哪几个listing侵权就直接被暂停账户了 ...

亲,你后来咋弄的呀? 有提交发票 ??

binzi 发表于 2017-8-28 16:00:12

feieryun 发表于 2016-11-17 21:04
这个要看具体情况,如果你真的卖假货,那就是作死。如果亚马逊冤枉你,。那你就可以理直气壮的跟他们理论。 ...


G.ATE 发表于 2017-9-18 16:13:46

helenyang 发表于 2015-12-30 10:23
We are writing to let you know that we have removed offers from our site ...


Victor-yao 发表于 2017-11-9 20:34:08

yzqdt326 发表于 2016-8-8 10:17
亚马逊邮件里有说的,我们供应商的联系方式。我们采购的发票合同等。我也没全部货的都提交,就提交了2、3 ...


709321800 发表于 2017-11-17 03:05:52


野灵Joey 发表于 2017-12-12 16:49:01

您好,也是inauthentic问题,求指点,先谢谢了。:handshake前前后后申诉了好几次,也提交了发票、计划什么的,亚马逊最后回复说“We will continue to withhold your funds if you cannot provide valid invoices or receipts for the items you listed on Amazon.”,请问这种情况还能怎么申诉?


You currently may not sell on because you are offering items that may be inauthentic. A list of these items is at the end of this email.

Funds will not be transferred to you, but will stay in your account while we work with you to address this issue. You can see your balance and settlement information in the Payments section of Seller Central. If you have questions about those, please write to

To sell on Amazon again, please send the following information to
-- Copies of invoices, receipts, contracts, delivery orders, or authorization letters from your supplier issued in the last 90 days. The quantity of items shown should match your inventory.
-- If you are not the brand owner, provide an authorization letter and a complete set of documentation, including authorization letters, to prove a valid supply chain.
-- If you are the brand owner, provide a copy of the brand registration certificate, and business license or personal identity card.
-- Contact information for your supplier, including name, phone number, address, email, and website.

You can send .pdf, .jpg, .png, or .gif files. These documents must be authentic and unaltered. We may call your supplier to verify the documents. You may remove pricing information, but the rest of the document must be visible. We will maintain the confidentiality of your supplier contact information.

We will review your information and decide if you may sell on Amazon again. If you do not send the required information within 17 days, we may no longer allow you to sell on Amazon. Failure to provide us with the information above may result in us permanently withholding any payments to you.

Learn more about our policies in Seller Central Help:
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