






跨境达人丹 2020-08-11 09:10:59 9266


【1】错误代码:8566 Product: 8566 SKU does not match any ASIN and the product data provided is not eligible for ASIN creation. 

解决方案: 1、请更换UPC/EAN,UPC12位EAN13位,不同变种sku对应UPC/EAN不可重复或已被使用。 2、brand 和制造商无效,品牌没有备案请更换,可写产品拼音(不可写oem) 

【2】错误代码:8571 8571 We have temporarily removed your ability to create new ASINS because an unusually high number of ASINs have been created from your account. However, you can continue to match your products against existing ASINs. 


【3】错误代码:8560 Missing 

解决方案:Missing Attributes 代表属性缺失,在产品属性搜索框 搜索Attributes后面的词语进行完善 standard_product_id 【产品信息-产品ID】 或直接ctrl+F 搜索 产品ID UPC12位EAN13位 product_type 【产品信息-产品类型】或直接ctrl+F 搜索 产品类型 department 【属性信息-Department】或直接ctrl+F 搜索 Department 或【属性信息】搜索属性名称 part_number【属性信息-Part Number】或直接ctrl+F 搜索 Part Number 或【属性信息】搜索属性名称 

【4】错误代码:8541 Product: 8541 The SKU data provided is different from what's already in the Amazon catalog. The standard_product_id data provided matches ASIN B07TF2PXNZ, but the following data is different from what's already in the Amazon catalog: brand (Merchant: 'ANMANLI' / Amazon: '???(None)'). If this is the right ASIN for your product, update your data to match what's in the Amazon catalog. If it's not the right ASIN, make sure that your data for standard_product_id is correct. 

解决方案:1、请更换UPC/EAN,UPC12位EAN13位,格式错误或者已被使,不同变种sku不可重复 2、brand 和制造商无效,品牌没有备案请更换,可写产品拼音(不可写oem) 

【5】错误代码:8567 Product: 8567 SKU 1200007997 does not match any ASIN and contains invalid values for attributes required for creation of a new ASIN. New ASIN creation requires the following attributes, for which this SKU provided invalid attribute value(s): metal_type. Product: 8567 SKU 001234564256 does not match any ASIN and contains invalid values for attributes required for creation of a new ASIN. New ASIN creation requires the following attributes, for which this SKU provided invalid attribute value(s): standard_product_id. 

解决方案:provided invalid attribute value(s)后面的单词为无效的属性,standard_product_id为产品ID,其他报错单词请直接ctrl+F搜索完善即可 standard_product_id处理办法 1、请更换UPC/EAN,UPC12位EAN13位,不同变种sku对应UPC/EAN不可重复或者已被使用。 2、brand 和制造商无效,品牌没有备案请更换,可写产品拼音(不可写oem) 

【6】错误代码:90205 Product: 90205 The value '016071761375' does not meet the minimum length limit for attribute '[gtin]'. in SKU: [6249200021] Product: 90205 The value '6466462067915' does not meet the maximum length limit for attribute '[upc]'. in SKU: [20190723-0005] 

解决方案:属性长度无效, UPC-12位 EAN-13位 PZN-7位 GTIN-14位 GCID-16位 

【7】错误代码:99006 未生效 Product: 99006 A value is required in the "Anzahl" field because there are values in dependent fields.: [Bearbeitungszeit = "2"]. 

解决方案:required in the "xx" field 双引号里面的属性缺失,产品页面进行完善该属性 :Product: 99006 A value is required in the "Product Type" field because there are values in dependent fields.: [Title = "Diaper Bag Backpack Unicorn Fashion 2019 Travel Baby Bag with Stroller Straps Large Capacity"]. 

解决方案:产品类型必填,点击产品编辑页面ctrl+F搜索产品类型进行完善 Product: 99006 A value is required in the "Quantity" field because there are values in dependent fields.: [Handling Time 

解决方案:产品库存不可写0,请填写真实的库存数据 Product: 99006 A value is required in the "Color Map" field because there are values in dependent fields.: [Color = "RED"]. 解决方案:Color Map必填,点击产品编辑页面ctrl+F搜索进行完善 Product: 99006 A value is required in the "Size Map" field because there are values in dependent fields.: [Size = "XXL"]. 解决方案:Size Map必填,点击产品编辑页面ctrl+F搜索进行完善 

【8】错误代码:90111 未生效 Product: 90111 Display Length 字段包含无效值:15cm. 值"15cm"不是有效的 DECIMAL。 


【9】错误代码:99003 未生效 99003 指定的商品变体主题缺少必填值: [Display Length = "15cm"], [display_dimensions_unit_of_measure = null], [Variation Theme = "Length"]. 

解决方案:变种主题的变种属性及属性值必填,格式无效,点击产品编辑页面ctrl+F搜索下【变种主题】进行修改(比如colorsize变种主题,那么变种输入color、size,color 下面输入具体的颜色单词不要输入其他词语) 

【10】错误代码:6039 未生效 Product: 6039 Merchant is not authorized to sell products under this restricted product group. 


【11】错误代码:20009 20009 Your image was 36 pixels wide and 36 pixels in height. Please submit an image with the longest side being a minimum length of 110 pixels.


【12】错误代码:80005 Product: 8005 You are attempting to change an identity attribute for this SKU. To proceed, please delete this SKU and recreate the SKU with the appropriate identity attribute. For more information and detailed instructions, see: http://sellercentral.amazon.co.uk/gp/help/23191 


【13】错误代码:8026 Product: 8026 You are not authorized to list products in this category. To sell products in this category you need to obtain approval by following the instructions given here:http://sellercentral.amazon.ae/gp/help/200333160 

解决方案:您无此类目发布权限,请更换下分类。或者申请详情查看 http://sellercentral.amazon.ae/gp/help/200333160 

【14】错误代码:5561 Product: 5561 You may not use trademarked terms in the keywords attribute. Please review our prohibited seller activities and actions at https://sellercentral.amazon.com/gp/help/help.html?itemID=200386250 

解决方案:关键词中不能有商标用语,请点击产品页面刊最下方Search Tearm位置进行修改 

【15】错误代码:20014 Image: The submitted image is invalid or corrupted Product: 20014 The submitted image is invalid or corrupted. 

解决方案:图片无法正常打开或格式不符1、需要.jpg格式 2、可复制图片链接到其他的浏览器上面无法打开需要重新添加图片 

【16】错误代码:300060 300060 We could not access the media at URL https://wxalbum-10001658.image.myqcloud.com/wxalbum/258150/20190624155041/62a7fc39b686ccca87d46c416ef3a885.jpg. Ensure that the URL is correct and the media is publicly accessible. 

解决方案:图片无法正常打开或格式不符1、需要.jpg格式 2、可复制图片链接到其他的浏览器上面无法打开需要重新添加图片 

【17】错误代码:8575 Product: 8575 We have temporarily removed your ability to submit listings (creating new offers or new ASINs) because an unusually high number of listings have been created from your account. Please refer to the ASIN Creation Policy page (https://sellercentral.amazon.com/gp/help/201844590) for more information on how to avoid receiving this error message. If you believe your listing creation privileges have been removed in error, please contact Seller Support by using the following link: https://sellercentral.amazon.com/cu/contact-us. 


【18】错误代码:20000 Product: 20000 URL http://50_.jpg の画像にアクセスできませんでした。正しいURLと公的にアクセス可能な画像を提供するようにしてください。指定したURLが正しく、外部からの参照に制限のないURLかどうかを確認してください。 300060 URL http://0 の画像ファイルにアクセスできませんでした。正しいURLを指定してください。また、画像ファイルが公的にアクセス可能か確認してください。 300060 URL http://0 の画像ファイルにアクセスできませんでした。正しいURLを指定してください。また、画像ファイルが公的にアクセス可能か確認してください。 300060 URL http://38 の画像ファイルにアクセスできませんでした。正しいURLを指定してください。また、画像ファイルが公的にアクセス可能か確認してください。 

解决方案:图片无法正常打开或格式不符1、需要.jpg格式 2、可复制图片链接到其他的浏览器上面无法打开需要重新添加图片 

【19】错误代码:90117 Product: 90117 The Product Description field contains an invalid value: Features: 


【20】错误代码:99001 Product: 99001 A value is required for the "Product Type" field. Product: 99001 A value is required for the "Feed Product Type" field. 

解决方案:产品类型必填,点击产品编辑页面ctrl+F搜索产品类型进行完善 Product: 99001 A value is required for the "Manufacturer Part Number" field. 

解决方案:产品属性必填,点击产品编辑页面ctrl+F搜索Manufacturer Part Numbe进行完善 Product: 99001 A value is required for the "Unit Count" field 

解决方案:产品属性必填,点击产品编辑页面ctrl+F搜索Unit Count进行完善售卖单位(数量+空格+单位:1 piece) Product: 99001 A value is required for the "Department" field. 

解决方案:产品属性必填,点击产品编辑页面ctrl+F搜索Department进行完善 Product: 99001 A value is required for the "Part Number" field. 

解决方案:产品属性必填,点击产品编辑页面ctrl+F搜索Part Number进行完善 其他统一报错解决方案: 


【21】错误代码:8572 8572 You are using UPCs, EANs, ISBNs, ASINs, or JAN codes that do not match the products you are trying to list. Using incorrect UPCs, EANs, ISBNs, ASINs or JAN codes is prohibited and it can result in your ASIN creation privileges being suspended or permanently removed. Please ensure you are always using the appropriate UPC, EAN, ISBN, ASIN or JAN code when listing a product. If you have reached this message in error, please contact Seller Support using the following link: https://sellercentral.amazon.com/hz/contact-us. For more information, refer to the ASIN Creation Policy Help Page - https://sellercentral.amazon.com/gp/help/201844590 

解决方案: 1、请更换UPC/EAN,UPC12位EAN13位,不同变种sku对应UPC/EAN不可重复或者已被使用。 2、brand 和制造商无效,品牌没有备案请更换,可写产品拼音(不可写oem) 

【22】brand 无品牌权限、品牌错误 Product: You are not authorized to list products under this brand. To sell products under this brand, please try adding one of your SKUs under this brand through the 'Add a Product' page and follow the application instructions. 

解决方案:1、没有此品牌的发布权限或者品牌商标已过期,进入刊登编辑页面ctrl+F 搜索【品牌】进行修改, 2、brand 和制造商无效,品牌没有备案请更换,可写产品拼音(不可写oem) 

【23】错误代码:8542 Product: 8542 The SKU data provided conflicts with the Amazon catalog. The standard_product_id 

解决方案: 1、请更换UPC/EAN,UPC12位EAN13位,不同变种sku对应UPC/EAN不可重复或者已被使用。 2、brand 和制造商无效,品牌没有备案请更换,可写产品拼音(不可写oem) 

【24】限量报错 [SKU]: This SKU does not match any ASIN, and new product ASIN can not be created with this product information. [SKU]: The authority to create a new product detail page (ASIN) has been temporarily suspended because a lot of product details page (ASIN) was created with your account. However, matching (matching) between the existing ASIN and the product can continue without trouble. For details on how to avoid displaying this error message, please see the policy on product detail page (ASIN) creation. If you believe that the authority to create the product details page (ASIN) is erroneously suspended, please contact Technical Support from the link below. Https://sellercentral.amazon.com/hz/contact-us` 



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