
标题: 销售权限恢复,实操经验分享 (附产品问题申诉邮件模板) [打印本页]

作者: jasonl    时间: 2015-10-17 10:56
标题: 销售权限恢复,实操经验分享 (附产品问题申诉邮件模板)
本帖最后由 jasonl 于 2015-10-17 11:04 编辑

昨天收到销售权限恢复的邮件,喜大普奔,在创蓝BBS获得过一些帮助,所以也来反哺分享下。经历冻结帐户,退货,A to Z等流程,略带刺激。


We are writing to let you know that we have removed the temporary hold on funds in your seller account. The available balance will disburse on your next scheduled settlement date.
We appreciate your patience while we evaluated your account.
... ...

之前被移除销售权限是因为新帐户审查,可能的原因是销售额突增,移除之前还先收到帐户审查邮件 Review of Your Amazon.com Selling Activity,审查期间因为订单增加被暂停销售,邮件 Your Amazon.com selling privileges have been removed  。

处理完未发货订单后,开始Appea了一次,这算是新帐户审查的Appeal,所以正常情况下就是按照要求提交信息跟资料即可,提交收到回复邮件被告知可先去向买家索要评价以帮助加快审查,之后也确实得到了几个不错的好评,有几个好评心里踏实,正准备坐等帐户恢复继续自由翱翔。谁知陆续两个订单出了点问题,又正好遇上国庆长假在外旅游,影响长假质量的同时,主要造成对买家消息回复不及时,导致一个ODR,另一个订单因为运输损坏,买家直接return request,后来经沟通重发,但由于运输时间过长,买家又file一个A to Z。所以长假回来后,尽管通过非常费劲的买家沟通终于让买家把A to Z关闭,但是defetive items影响ODR的痕迹是留下来(遗留问题:买家已经评价过的“小问题”订单,能否通过售后服务的手段让买家帮忙修改呢?),收到申诉未通过的邮件,恰恰就是因为产品问题:

We appreciate the information you have provided. However, a review of your account suggests that some of your buyers have received defective items.
Please send us a detailed plan for how you will ensure that buyers receive their items in working condition.
... ...


再一次写申诉信,背着ODR不合格的指标,还有未决return request,想必是生死之战。花了一点心思,参考以下两个帖子,先诚挚感谢。
1. 与我同名的 Maciljason 因卖假货被封店铺的申诉邮件模板: https://bbs.ichuanglan.com/thread-5953-1-1.html 此良心帖实用性强
2. 阿默大神的 销售权限被移除的申诉方法与步骤: https://bbs.ichuanglan.com/thread-8485-1-1.html

然而,然而 ... ... 即便如此,才才才才才几分钟后还是收到行动计划申诉不通过的邮件,其实我觉得是审核者不太专业,并不知道前因后果,以及对生产“抽样检查”的不正确理解。
Hello from Amazon.
We appreciate the information you have provided. However, a review of your account indicates buyers have received defective/faulty items.
The current plan of action that you have provided is not viable to address the above issue.
If you remove a new item from its packaging to do a quality control check,then the item cannot be sold as new again
... ...

1. 确实如论坛前人所说,Amazon审核与运气有关,看遇到什么样的审核者,同一份邮件,不同的人看最后的审核结果可能会不同;
2. 实操经验,我同时在原来新帐户审查未通过的邮件上“快速回复”和“正常回复”同一份行动计划邮件,并收到了两份邮件已被收到的系统自动回复邮件。

尽管收到销售权限恢复的邮件,但此刻的心情还是诚惶诚恐,因为看到有一些论坛坛友说是几天后又被暂停,而此时ODR still >3%,并且有一个未决的return request买家一直未回复。毕竟还未到转款日,天佑平安!


Dear Seller Performance Team,
Thank you for your concern of our account. Before receiving the performance review notification, we were exactly working with the customers to resolve their problem. We firmly believe that we're not only providing the product but also the customer service. Firstly, we're very sorry about our negligence of packaging, and the incaution of carrying and transpoting by logistics company which result in defective working condition of one item, we had to ship the replacement but had the customer waiting more time for delivery, they are kind but we are sorry. Secondly, the incaution of testing and checking up by the tester in factory result in missing indicator light covers of one item, which in normal working condition but give customer defective impression of the product, we had contact with the customer and shipped the missing element, and sorry to bring him inconvenience. These are our faults due to lack of strict management of the product and service providers. Thirdly, we're new to Amazon selling and lack of familiarity with the rules and message system using, which result in missing timely response to 4 messages from the buyers on our months ago arranged long holiday, it was supposed the messages would notice timely on mobile phone email system to us but it didn't work, we promise this would never ever happen again to the customers.
We would like to earnestly beg your consideration about the feedback of other items received by other buyers, some of them had left positive feedbacks and reviews to the product and admired our customer service. We promise to provide customers both good products and good customer service. If we have the chance to continue selling on Amazon, we will do as follows:
1. We will ask the factory to execute stricter checking up and testing process for our products, and request every confirmation and signature of testing result for every product from the tester in factory. We self will execute sampling check for different production batch and regular visit to production line of the factory every week. Make sure we ship out every item in integral and good working condition.
2. We will ask the factory to package with stronger crashproof and shockproof measure, like filling in the blanks with proof foam and wrapping up with hard carton. Change the logistics service provider with better transpoting service.
3. We will keep logining in the Amazon sellercenter on PC and check up buyer message at least three times a day, to ensure promptly response to the customer with 12 hours. And passionately handle any queries or complaints or product issues from every customer, will keep notice customer forwardly for the tracking information of the transpoting package. To improve the customer experience by pre-sale, in-sale, after-sale process.
We write this sincerely and will try our best to provide good products and customer service on Amazon. Meanwhile, we sincerely hope Amazon team will give serious consideration and give us a new chance. This is not only chance but also hope to us, we eagerly hope we can further develop our undertaking here. Look foward to hearing from your reply. Thank you very much.

Best Regards,

作者: zzz    时间: 2015-10-17 12:02
意思是同一份邮件被2个人看到,产生不同效果? 这种情况很小吧,一般碰到的只有一个人回复,还是说同时发几封邮件出去?
作者: jasonl    时间: 2015-10-17 13:43
zzz 发表于 2015-10-17 12:02
意思是同一份邮件被2个人看到,产生不同效果? 这种情况很小吧,一般碰到的只有一个人回 ...

作者: Julie906    时间: 2015-10-17 18:32
作者: 三姑娘    时间: 2015-10-17 19:20
作者: nickyshao    时间: 2015-10-23 08:37
作者: 小成    时间: 2015-10-23 09:04
作者: Freefish2015    时间: 2015-11-16 11:29
作者: Bruce-FanYang    时间: 2015-11-16 11:42
作者: Freefish2015    时间: 2015-11-21 11:11
作者: jasonl    时间: 2015-11-23 09:07
Freefish2015 发表于 2015-11-21 11:11
楼主你第一次因为销量增加被取消销售权限多长时间后亚亚马逊回复你的,我现在也是一样的问题,没有销售权限 ...

作者: Freefish2015    时间: 2015-11-23 11:35
作者: jasonl    时间: 2015-11-29 23:54
Freefish2015 发表于 2015-11-23 11:35

审核时间各不相同 应该也不会很长吧 获取好的评价会有所帮助 这会应该搞定了吧?!
作者: cd220@163.com    时间: 2015-12-16 18:30
请问原因是Complaint Type: Not as Advertised/Wrong Item,这种怎么申诉呢?是衣服的尺寸小了吗?
作者: jasonl    时间: 2015-12-16 18:38
cd220@163.com 发表于 2015-12-16 18:30
请问原因是Complaint Type: Not as Advertised/Wrong Item,这种怎么申诉呢?是衣服的尺寸小了吗?

作者: wyiving    时间: 2016-4-9 15:57
楼主, 我也发了申诉邮件, amazon回复了我第三次要求additional information的邮件了, 今天是我发的第四次回复, 想必是最后一次吧? 我把你跟jason的帖子都看了, 还有什么注意事项吗?
作者: EDIFIER    时间: 2016-4-9 18:42
wyiving 发表于 2016-4-9 15:57
楼主, 我也发了申诉邮件, amazon回复了我第三次要求additional information的邮件了, 今天是我发的第四次回 ...

你好,你申诉后亚马逊多久回复的你啊?我都申诉2天了,通知是哪个写着的时间好像是48小时内,但现在2天快过去了还是没有回复啊,侵权造成 的。只是申诉,没有提交资料。
作者: wyiving    时间: 2016-4-10 01:59
EDIFIER 发表于 2016-4-9 18:42
你好,你申诉后亚马逊多久回复的你啊?我都申诉2天了,通知是哪个写着的时间好像是48小时内,但现在2天快 ...

基本是 2-3个小时就回复了.
作者: temliu    时间: 2016-4-10 10:25
作者: Herry    时间: 2016-8-24 11:31
作者: 小伙莫方    时间: 2016-8-24 14:18
作者: 一只土豆啦啦    时间: 2017-6-1 11:34
hello, 楼主,我也遇到了这个问题,"之前被移除销售权限是因为新帐户审查,可能的原因是销售额突增",想问一下你的这个审查了多长时间啊 谢谢
作者: nzbilly    时间: 2017-6-1 11:50

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