jerryhongyan 发表于 2016-9-11 14:46:33

我做网站啊,亚马逊专用审核,品牌备案用网站    QQ:271223337 ,    JERRY

piaoluo910 发表于 2016-10-24 15:37:52


安静。 发表于 2016-11-2 10:09:35

Thank you for writing back to us.

If you would like to use UPC/EAN/JAN as your key attribute, please confirm the following, otherwise select another key attribute:
• That you or the companies that you are an authorized distributor for own every single one of your UPCs on the products you are selling
• That you or the companies that you are an authorized distributor for will never reuse your UPC number again
• And that you or the companies that you are an authorized distributor for will never need to upload an item that will NOT have a UPC/EAN/JAN
Are all 3 of these bullet points something you can 100% guarantee?

I request you to respond us within 48 hours so we can assist you in this case. We look forward for your response so action can be taken accordingly.

Thank you for selling with Amazon,

KOBER 发表于 2016-11-2 15:32:09

你好,请问授权书AUTHORISED BRAND MANAGER:        这个是填什么?

The letter should name the Primary contact person or beneficial owner specifically.

安静。 发表于 2016-11-8 17:59:45

benksamazon 发表于 2015-5-15 14:00

你修改成功了么?我已经通过品牌注册了,之前的客服跟我说选key attribute选什么无所谓的,然后我就选了UPC,结果现在另外一个客服跟我说选什么就还是用什么上传产品,真是醉了...

IvyDai 发表于 2016-12-9 15:36:26

我想问下,备案成功后,想要更改之前上的产品品牌名 和产品标题 等其他信息( 备案的品牌名和之前上产品时候写的品牌名不一样) 应该怎么改? 产品一部分是后台手动上的 一部分是表格上的 。我尝试着手动后台改 可是改不动。

terresa 发表于 2017-2-8 10:14:22


zoey1991 发表于 2017-2-22 15:17:02

请问是不是有产品牌子,在上传产品时不要填UPC/EAN 等?

Sasha.Z 发表于 2017-4-3 00:27:03

如果一开始使用UPC建立listing,之后申请品牌不需要删除listing重新上传,您可以先至后台下载 "inventory report" 将您要修改的listing 贴到 Add Via upload > Category-specific inventory files 空白的模板,再将key attribute(例如您是卖衣服,就可以填style number 123-XYZ)填入并以批量上传(Add Products via Upload)的方式,大概一天后GCID出现就表示申请品牌成功了!


幻想烟 发表于 2017-4-10 16:29:08

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查看完整版本: 亚马逊卖家品牌备案 : 防止被跟卖以及申请品牌 - [Bqool原创,创蓝转载]