
标题: 投诉其他卖家侵权 要提供的资料??? [打印本页]

作者: DY丁丁    时间: 2014-6-27 20:40
标题: 投诉其他卖家侵权 要提供的资料???

If you believe sellers are listing against detail pages that do not exactly match their items, we ask that you submit your complaint using this form:


Please include this information in your report, as applicable:

- Amazon.com Order ID of a test buy that confirms the violation (required)
- A concise description of the differences between the item ordered and the item received (required)
- The ASIN/ISBN of the item's detail page and the product title
- The store or business name of the seller you are reporting
- Any other evidence that supports your complaint

We thoroughly investigate all reports. For privacy reasons, we cannot disclose the results of our investigations, but we will take any disciplinary actions we find appropriate.


请问默总,第一个test buy要怎么操作,我也是中国卖家,怎么弄test buy的订单号???急!

作者: 创蓝    时间: 2014-6-28 09:55
test buy就是试买,用你们的账户去买跟卖的人的产品,你们的卖家账户也可以买东西。
作者: DY丁丁    时间: 2014-6-28 09:59
阿默 发表于 2014-6-28 09:55
test buy就是试买,用你们的账户去买跟卖的人的产品,你们的卖家账户也可以买东西。

这个 我试过了。但是要填一个收货地址,总不能填中国的吧?
作者: 创蓝    时间: 2014-6-28 10:02
DY丁丁 发表于 2014-6-28 09:59
这个 我试过了。但是要填一个收货地址,总不能填中国的吧?



作者: DY丁丁    时间: 2014-6-28 10:04
阿默 发表于 2014-6-28 10:02

你直接把您的商标授权证书和Listing的ASIN码发给客服 ...

感谢 默总的耐心指点!!!我去试试!
作者: 采购曲生    时间: 2014-10-30 18:20
你好  问下 我也是美国商标注册的   The ASIN/ISBN of the item's detail page and the product title
- The store or business name of the seller you are reporting
- Any other evidence that supports your complaint
我也想投诉  那我应该填写哪一个  谢谢指导
作者: 创蓝    时间: 2014-10-30 18:25
采购曲生 发表于 2014-10-30 18:20
你好  问下 我也是美国商标注册的   The ASIN/ISBN of the item's detail page and the product title
-  ...

1. 提示要你提供您需要您要投诉的商家的店铺名,然后告诉亚马逊它是哪个ASIN 的侵权。

2. 如果还有其他对你有利的因素作为证据投诉这些卖家的,你也一同提供出来给亚马逊。

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