哆咪 发表于 2018-5-7 10:01:54


今天收到了一封信,内容如下Good Afternoon,

This morning we sent out an email informing you of the folding opportunity that is now available through the FBA Small and Light programme.

Unfortunately, this email contained some errors. We would like to offer our sincere apologies for these mistakes.

Please find the correct link for enrolling your products on to Small and Light here.

We also wanted to provide some further points of clarification around the Small and Light folding opportunity.

[*]This service is a single-fold service where the Small and Light fulfilment centre are able to fold items once in half, in order to fit them within the dimensions specified in the below table. Please note, the FC are not able to fold your items multiple times. You are responsible for ensuring that the products you enrol meet the below requirements once folded in half. Even if a product is successfully enrolled, it can still be removed from the programme if it does not comply with the requirements, or otherwise stops being eligible.
[*]To participate in the folding opportunity, we kindly request that you insert a note within the box or bag containing your foldable ASIN, stating that you give permission for this ASIN to be folded.

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查看完整版本: 亚马逊计划轻小包裹