vineason 发表于 2017-11-27 16:51:22


遭遇销售权限被移除,卖家必然是需要去申诉的,可是,申诉了账号就能解限吗?亚马逊客服会接受你的一番客套话的模板邮件吗?怎么样的申诉才最有可能让账号解限呢?这一系列的问题,我们借着下面的申诉邮件,为大家做一个简单的剖析。账号被移除销售权限的通知邮件:Hello,We understand that you have used multiple accounts to manipulate Amazon customer reviews. Sellers are not allowed to manipulate ratings, feedback, or customer reviews. Because you are manipulating product reviews, you currentlymay not sell on Amazon.comFunds will not be transferred to you but will stay in your account while we work with you to address this issue. If you have any open orders, please ship them.Violations of our policies may also violate state and federal laws,including the Federal Trade Commission Act. Amazon strives to maintain customer trust and provide the best possible shopping experience. As a result, we will investigate when we learn that sellers, vendors, or others have attempted to manipulate reviews.To learn more about this policy, search for "Prohibited Seller Activities and Actions" in Seller Central Help.To appeal, please reply to this message with the following information:-- A detailed description with dates of all methods you used to post or obtain customer reviews that are prohibited by Amazon policies, or otherwisemanipulate reviews.-- Contact information (name, email address, website, etc.) for any third parties you engaged to manipulate reviews or obtain prohibited reviews.-- Identifying information for any customer accounts you or a third party used to post prohibited reviews.-- Documentation (e.g., emails and receipts) from any such third party confirming you used their service.-- List of any prohibited reviews remaining on the Amazon site.-- Description of steps you have taken to prevent product review manipulation within your organization and how this will prevent futureviolations.Once we receive your plan, we will review it and decide whether you may sell on again. If you do not send an acceptable plan within 17 days,we may cancel your listings and hold any funds in your account for about 90days, but funds could be held longer.For help creating your plan, search for "Appeal the restriction or removal of selling privileges" in Seller Central Help.We look forward to hearing from you.Sincerely,Seller Performance Team针对类似上面的通知邮件,卖家要进行申诉时,首先应该忘掉的是找模板。很多卖家遭遇一点情况都寄托于“有没有模板”,殊不知无论模板写得再怎么完美,都会缺少一种真实的情感成本在,而申诉中,真情实感才能够引着亚马逊客服考虑你的立场和态度,考虑是否给你机会,可以这么说,真情实感是无形之中的重要加分筹码。所以,申诉邮件一定要忘掉模板这回事。其次,申诉邮件在问题的回应上一定要轻重分明,对于已经发生的问题,可以简单的一笔带过,而对于将要采取的整改措施,则一定要浓墨重彩尽量详细。很多卖家习惯性的按照通知邮件中的内容把举例的每个问题都逐个剖析讲解,A问题是因为什么什么原因造成的,B问题是因为什么什么原因造成的,C问题......如此这般举例下来,且不说读你申诉邮件的客服是否会真的认真去看你的详解,直观上来说,对方首先看到的是一大堆的问题。如此多的问题,凭什么给你解限?所以,在申诉邮件开头对问题的陈述部分,尽量简短。“我们收到亚马逊的通知说因为XX问题移除了我们的销售权限,对于这种情况我们感到非常遗憾。经过深刻认真的反思,我们意识到自己的错误,针对当前所发生的这些情况,我们将在随后的运营中采取如下措施:”上述这样的申诉开通,简单明了的把问题概括带过,把客服的思维引到你将要采取的“措施”上。对于下一步的措施,卖家要能够在邮件中充分利用“三”的原则,用三条计划来表述自己的整个改善计划(POA, Plan of Action),三点计划可以从导致问题发生的直接原因开始,针对直接原因给出方案,接着,针对潜在问题给出预防措施,最后,给出将在随后的运营中努力追求的方案,如此下来,三点方案层层递进,才可以更大程度上说服客服接受你的行动方案。三点方案之外,申诉邮件的最后,不要忘了做保证,发自内心的保证同样可以给客服传递一种值得信赖的态度,从而最大可能的获得客服的支持,一旦客服认可你的改善方案和态度,账号解开的几率就大大提升了。
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查看完整版本: 亚马逊账号申诉邮件该怎么写?申诉邮件模板真的有用吗