会飞的猫 发表于 2017-6-29 14:19:28


Dear Seller,We are contacting you because you areselling or have sold fidget spinners. As part of our ongoing efforts to providethe best possible customer experience, Amazon is implementing safetyrequirements for all fidget spinners offered on the site. To continue to sellexisting fidget spinners, sellers have until July 28, 2017 to carry out testingand submit the information below. The safety requirement is now in effect forall new fidget spinner ASINs.What is a fidget spinner?A fidget spinner has two or more prongswith a bearing in its center circular pad. It can be made from a variety ofmaterials including plastic, brass, stainless steel, titanium, and copper. Theprongs may also be weighted with the same type of bearing. The device is oftenheld between two fingers on the center pad, and spins around the centerbearing.How do I meet the safety requirements tosell fidget spinners?Please submit the following information tochild-safety@amazon.com from the email address associated with your selleraccount.1. Your Company Name;2. Your contact information (email address,phone number);3. A list of fidget spinner ASINs that youare applying to sell;4. One of the following: a) documentsshowing that you are the manufacturer of each of the ASINs you are applying tosell; or b) copies of invoices (or receipts) showing each of the ASINs fromyour supplier, issued within the last 365 days, showing the quantitiespurchased; and5. For each ASIN, documents from a U.S.Consumer Product Safety Commission-approved Nationally Recognized TestingLaboratory (NRTL) showing compliance with testing standard ASTM F963-16 for theU.S. marketplace.Below please find a list of NRTLs who maybe able to help you with testing:https://services.amazon.com/solution-providers/#/search/US/compliance?localeSelection=en_USBy applying to sell these products, youcertify that all of the information you submit is true.If you have any questions, please contactSeller Support for assistance.Thank you,Amazon Services

会飞的猫 发表于 2017-7-20 14:25:19

leon4ever 发表于 2017-6-30 15:46
这个a U.S.Consumer Product Safety Commission-approved Nationally Recognized TestingLaboratory (NRTL) ...


华测检测-CPC证 发表于 2017-7-10 11:48:22

Amazon的邮件中这个链接 https://services.amazon.com/solution-providers/#/search/US/compliance?localeSelection=en_US 已经给出了亚马逊推荐的第三方检测机构。
由于Fidget Spinner指尖陀螺并不是典型的儿童玩具,之前行业内对该产品的设计,检测都没有形成统一的标准。 随着越来越多儿童玩用Fidget Spinner指尖陀螺, 以及儿童误吞部件事故的发生, CPSC加强对此类产品的监管。越来越多北美零售商以及买家也会把此类产品按照儿童玩具标准ASTM F963进行监管,包括亚马逊。2017年6月29日又新出了一个NRTL的规定,亚马逊商家产品要在加拿大站上销售需又NRTL出具检测合格报告。
很多卖家嫌麻烦都 直接把listing下架了。但对于囤积了大量库存的商家来说,不卖意味着白白的亏损;但要上线又面对着亚马逊的严厉紧逼。

会飞的猫 发表于 2017-6-30 17:37:48

leon4ever 发表于 2017-6-30 15:46
这个a U.S.Consumer Product Safety Commission-approved Nationally Recognized TestingLaboratory (NRTL) ...


leon4ever 发表于 2017-6-30 15:46:59

这个a U.S.Consumer Product Safety Commission-approved Nationally Recognized TestingLaboratory (NRTL) 是什么鬼。 ASTM F963-16标准出来没多久吧,符合要求的实验室哪儿找去。指尖陀螺不等于直接废了。
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