cl_1541351211 发表于 2023-8-15 19:24:18



亲爱的卖家 您的亚马逊卖家账户已被停用并处于休眠状态。您的账户中目前有余额,但由于您的账户被停用,付款已被暂时禁用。 根据我们的资金扣留政策,您有资格申请最后一次付款。 为什么会发生这种情况?如果我们发现您参与了欺骗、欺诈或非法活动,我们可能会停用您的卖家账户并扣留您账户中的任何资金。 接下来会发生什么?请通过视频面试注册虚拟身份验证。这将在支付任何余额之前证明您的真实性。如需预约,请填写下表:********* 该表格由外部公司(Qualtrics)托管,因此链接不会指向我们的网站。收到您对该表格的回复后,我们将邀请您在您希望的时间进行面谈。 付款上诉过程中会发生什么?该调查与复职上诉是分开的。在付款上诉过程中,我们将核实您的账户信息并评估您的账户活动。这可能包括- 验证您的身份、金融工具、供应链文件或其他业务文件。- 要求您提供其他信息,并与政府机构或第三方服务机构核实您的信息。- 审查与您的业务相关的所有相关账户。 如果我不上诉或上诉失败会怎样?根据亚马逊《业务解决方案协议》第 6 和第 7 条以及《亚马逊支付欧洲用户协议》第 9 条的规定,您的部分或全部资金将被保留,用于结算未完成的交易和/或损害赔偿,包括产品退货或退款、买家提出的 "A 到 Z "索赔、库存移除费用和未付费用。我们在此提供帮助- 如果您对本政策或上述要求的信息有任何疑问,请联系 如果您对上述要求的信息有疑问,或者如果您认为您的账户被错误停用,请按照账户健康页面顶部横幅中的说明通过以下链接联系我们:。- 如果您对这一决定有任何疑问,请通过以下链接查看 "卖方中心 "中的 "资金扣留政策":真诚的 卖家绩效团队亚马逊

富贵花开 发表于 2023-8-16 14:00:09


feefefeffe 发表于 2023-8-16 15:42:46


cl_1541351211 发表于 2023-8-17 18:01:47

富贵花开 发表于 2023-8-16 14:00

Dear Seller,

Your Amazon Seller account has been deactivated and placed in a dormant status. You currently have a balance in your account, but due to your account deactivation, disbursements have been temporarily disabled.
You are eligible to request a final disbursement in accordance with our Funds Withholding Policy.
Why has this happened?
If we find that you have engaged in deceptive, fraudulent, or illegal activity, we may deactivate your seller account and withhold any funds that may be in your account.
What happens next?
Please sign up for virtual identity verification over a video interview. This will demonstrate your authenticity prior to disbursing any balance. To book an appointment, fill out the form below:

The form is hosted by an external company (Qualtrics), so the link does not lead to our website.
After we receive your response on this form, we will invite you for the interview at one of your preferred times.

What happens during the disbursement appeal process?
This investigation is separate from a reinstatement appeal. During the disbursement appeal process, we will verify your account information and evaluate your account activity. This may include:
•        Validating your identity, financial instruments, supply chain documentation or other business documentation.
•        Requesting you provide additional information and validate your information with government agencies or third-party services.
•        Reviewing any and all related accounts associated with your business.

What happens if I do not appeal or if my appeal is unsuccessful?
Some or all of your funds will remain held to settle outstanding transactions and/or damages, including product returns or refunds, A-to-z claims from buyers, inventory removal costs, and outstanding fees in accordance with sections 6 and 7 of Amazon’s Business Solutions Agreement, and section 9 of the Amazon Payments Europe User Agreement.

We’re here to help
•        If you have questions about this policy or the information requested above, please contact
•        If you have questions about the information requested above or if you believe your account has been deactivated in error, please contact us by following the instructions in the banner on the top of your Account Health page using the following link:
•        If you have questions about this decision, please review the Funds Withholding Policy in Seller Central at the following link:

Thank you,

Seller Perfomance Team

cl_1541351211 发表于 2023-8-17 18:02:47

feefefeffe 发表于 2023-8-16 15:42


Greenson 发表于 2023-8-18 10:06:06


HSLNancy88 发表于 2023-8-18 11:13:01


wap667 发表于 2023-8-27 15:35:00

我也收到了欧战 美站都有。先是收到一封转款的 P卡把我的英镑账户给停用了 没有转成 。然后就收到了一封跟你一样的信

123456dsa 发表于 2023-9-7 18:45:08


依婷 发表于 2023-9-8 15:55:53

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查看完整版本: 根据我们的资金扣留政策,您有资格申请最后一次付款