蜡笔小新AMZ 发表于 2022-2-19 16:29:44


去年封店超我也是其中一位苦逼的跨境人,头发熬完救回的二刷资金想去植发。 账户是21年一月份的因为要在旺季来临前做个新品出来,所有我们疯狂的刷单,但是问题就在于服务商也不靠谱(Dog 东西们)疯狂掉评,库存预算也没有做好,新品发的300个库存,补货也来不及,节奏全乱。 在2021年5月份我们的店铺收到了绩效通知,您的Amazon.com卖家帐户已停用。
您账户中的资金可以持有 90 天或更长时间。如果我们确定您的帐户用于销售不真实的或被禁止的商品、欺诈或从事其他非法或滥用活动,Amazon 可能会扣留付款。
你可以在卖家中心的付款部分看到您的余额和结算信息。 如果您对此有疑问,请写信给payments-nachforschungen@amazon.com。
如果您想对这一决定提出上诉,请单击此消息旁边的上诉按钮,该按钮位于卖家中心。 我们根据邮件 发送了所有相关犯罪证据,态度诚恳,视死如归的慷慨POA。 在第二天我们就受到了二刷的邮件绩效通知:
您的商品已经从我们的网站上移除。您账户中的资金可能会被冻结 90 天或更长时间。根据您的账户状态和活动情况,您可能需要完成额外的审核,资金才会发放给您。如果我们确定您的账户销售仿造或假冒或禁售商品,参与欺骗或其他非法或侮辱性活动,Amazon 可能会扣留您的付款。 请配送所有未完结订单,以避免进一步影响到您的账户。
您一直在 Amazon 上操纵评分、反馈或买家评论。如需详细了解此政策,请访问卖家帮助中心 (https://sellercentral-europe.amazon.com/gp/help/200386666)。
您可以在卖家平台的“付款”部分查看余额和结算信息。如果您对此有任何疑问,请发送电子邮件至 payments-nachforschungen@amazon.com。
我们不会再回复有关此问题的电子邮件。 真的要吐���了,脑瓜子蒙蒙的,我们又提供了 营业执照,法人身份证,法人手持身份证,公司章程,刷单证据,一些乱七八杂的 申诉了两次 最后收到了亚马逊的回复说,我们不在回复此类邮件,完了拒死了,居拒死后各种给亚马逊打电话,找服务商都没法解决,弄来弄去90天也过去了,我们就开始申诉资金,亚马逊的回复:Hello ***,
We have received your request for payment. However, we cannot complete this request at this time.
Why is this happening?
We believe that your account or a related account operated by you may have been used to engage in deceptive, fraudulent, or illegal activity that harms our customers, other selling partners, and our store.
During the previous 90-day period, you have failed to successfully appeal for reinstatement. As a result, your account is now under review to determine if you are eligible for disbursement of funds.
What is required to receive the funds associated with your account?
There is no required format for your appeal. You may submit information or documents such as:
-- Explanation of the circumstances regarding your account violations.
-- Name of your business’s registered agent.
-- Name of the party who registered the account.
-- Name(s) of the party operating the account.
-- Physical address(s) where you operated the selling account and dates at that location(s).
How do I send the required information?
Submit this information to disbursement-appeals@amazon.com.
What happens if I do not appeal or if my appeal is unsuccessful?
If we do not receive an appeal or if your appeal for funds is not successful, some or all of your funds will be withheld. If you do not wish to submit any additional information, please let us know and we will complete our review and provide you with a final response.
Where can I find more information about this policy?
If you have questions about this decision, please review our help page in Seller Central at the following link:
Merchant Credit Team
Amazon.com 当天 我们根据亚马逊的要求提供了相关材料,Hello
Your account is currently in funds appeal period. We believe that your account may have been used to engage in prohibited, deceptive, abusive, or illegal activity and we must complete a review prior to disbursing the funds held in your account.
What information am I being asked to provide?
We are asking for any additional information such as invoices, import or export documents, and so on, or context that would help us better understand the activities that resulted in the loss of your ability to sell on Amazon. No plan of action is requested, as this process will not result in the reinstatement of your account.
Details about all of your policy violations can be found in your email or by viewing the Notifications page in the Performance section of Seller Central at https://sellercentral-europe.amazon.com/gp/customer-experience/perf-notifications.html. Please note that additional information regarding your disbursement appeal process can be found in the same location.
How do I submit an appeal?
Please send your appeal to disbursement-appeals@amazon.com. A successful appeal will address all of the policy violations that resulted in the loss of your ability to sell on Amazon.
What happens if I do not appeal?
If your appeal for funds is not successful or you choose not to appeal, some or all of your funds will be withheld. If you do not wish to submit any additional information, please let us know and we will complete our review and provide you with a final response.
Any future requests for funds that you submit to Amazon will be treated as a request to complete our review with the information available at that time.
Merchant Credit Team
Amazon.com 根据此封邮件所需要的材料,我们整理齐全提供后等待了10几天我们收到了亚马逊的回复大概意思就是资金可以提款了,当时那个心情就感觉心脏骤停,(md) 最早第一封信的时候也想过直接找服务商解决,但是价格太高不舍得,感觉自己也可以,最总是成功了,但是感觉头发比之前少了很多。 跨境人跨境魂,住大家在跨境的路上越走越顺, 我申诉成功可能也是概率问题,但是通过这次自己申诉还是有些心得体会的,我所知道的都会分享给大家,借来下有任何问题我也回询问大家,在困难的时候要抱团取暖哦。

章鱼哥跨境 发表于 2022-2-20 17:15:17

服务商也不全是Dog 东西,我们公司还是很良心的,对客户的账号也负责,能接有把握我们就接,没有把握我们就直接拒绝的,我们也知道申诉每一次机会都很关键,所以对于我们没有把握申诉的账号,我们也不浪费彼此时间, 我们公司对于 侵权,关联这一块做的还是比较好的,

ねこ~ 发表于 2022-2-21 11:29:56


Lily11 发表于 2022-2-21 11:51:10

-- 关于您账户违规情况的说明。
-- 您企业的注册代理人的名称。
-- 开户方的名称。
-- 账户运营方的名称。
-- 您运营该销售账户的实际地址以及在该地址的运营时间。

楼主,这个开户方的名称填的是什么? 按照你发的英文版 似乎是公司名称?我以为是收款账户

蓝图设计 发表于 2022-2-23 18:17:44


老兄弟Sean 发表于 2022-2-28 20:52:09


蜡笔小新AMZ 发表于 2022-3-3 16:21:22

ねこ~ 发表于 2022-2-21 11:29
楼主,我想问下申诉资金的时候有触发视频认证吗?还有当时你们的货都移除完成了吗?我们现在的状况也是90天 ...


蜡笔小新AMZ 发表于 2022-3-3 16:23:42

Lily11 发表于 2022-2-21 11:51

需要的材料很多 特别难了
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