aa5567714 发表于 2021-7-29 16:31:48

找了半天, 给你们分享下申诉信模板把。 记得不要照抄

Dear Amazon seller support, thank you very much for your attention to our account.
We received a notice today. Due to a violation of the listing policy, our merchandise sales privilege has been cancelled. We have checked the product detail page immediately.
First of all, we are very sorry for our ignorance. We are newbies to Amazon sales. The product went on sale on the Amazon platform in December. We do not understand the rules and policies when selling products on the Amazon platform. We are not aware that the brand change seriously violates Amazon’s related policies. Here, we sincerely admit our fault.
We have modified the product detail page, changed the brand'XXX' to "XXXXX", and guaranteed that we will no longer modify the brand at will on Amazon. We strive to provide customers with quality products and excellent customer service.

If you can give us a chance, we will do the following:
1. Absolutely, we will review all the policies and rules about selling on your platform. Fully interpret the rules and learn.

2. We will check all product detail pages in the account to see if there are some lists that do not meet your requirements, and if they do, we will fix them immediately.

3. I will check all the products sold, if the customer reflects any dissatisfaction or product problems, I will be here within 12 hours to solve the problem for them and provide them with the best shopping experience, please trust me.

4. If there are any sales problems, we will seek help from Amazon as soon as possible instead of blindly selling.

aa5567714 发表于 2021-7-29 16:34:08

jiang88 发表于 2021-6-21 12:11
能发下邮件模版给我吗,我都申诉很多次了,都没用,我的链接是被别人更改的他们的品牌,我们没有更改,现 ...


Joanjoan 发表于 2021-8-12 12:30:14


hjhyyy 发表于 2022-2-7 21:41:32

aa5567714 发表于 2021-7-29 16:27
我通过模板修改过标题里的品牌后,(记得当时好像用模板刷掉了品牌,但是具体怎么弄的我真的不记得了)然 ...

那相当于 品牌又回到原来的品牌上了?

aa5567714 发表于 2022-2-17 10:47:25

hjhyyy 发表于 2022-2-7 21:41
那相当于 品牌又回到原来的品牌上了?

是的, 但是标题显示不了品牌了

星晨阳光 发表于 2022-2-17 18:14:11

还是想回复一下看到你都解决了 很高兴 后面还有其他问题的话 可以免费咨询哈

aa5567714 发表于 2022-2-18 14:32:58


该不该去改 大家自己斟酌。

确实有人改完几年过去也没有事情,但是我在改完几个月就被搞了。具体什么原因,我也不知道 可能是同



hjhyyy 发表于 2022-2-18 21:59:04

aa5567714 发表于 2022-2-18 14:32

该不该去改 大家自己斟酌。

改品牌 最坏的结局也就是链接变狗,还没听过封账户的

aa5567714 发表于 2022-2-18 23:40:07

hjhyyy 发表于 2022-2-18 21:59
改品牌 最坏的结局也就是链接变狗,还没听过封账户的

大哥, 拜托你自己看我咋么说的可好。。。。


但是我又要说了。在这个平台,你一旦违规,无论小违规大违规。 一旦被查出。几乎以后都是重点关注对象!!

不知 你是否认可我这种观点....

hjhyyy 发表于 2022-3-16 15:14:23

aa5567714 发表于 2022-2-18 23:40
大哥, 拜托你自己看我咋么说的可好。。。。

我说了我是去年4.2日招商链接出问题那批人被封的号,   ...

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