M2跨境 发表于 2019-8-12 10:36:27


最近在和朋友聊天的过程中,一位小卖家朋友吐糟自己在亚马逊上面有几款卖的还不错的产品的图片被别人盗用了,但是其实盗用图片的卖家所展示的商品与详情页面描述不符,这位朋友很苦恼,图片是自己辛辛苦苦拍摄、制作的,现在也不知道该怎么办了。亚马逊不会主动追究卖家的图片侵权行为,那么当你也不幸遭遇到这种情况的时候,是不是也就束手无策了呢?答案是NO!哪里有压迫,哪里就有反抗的渠道。如果你是图片的原创卖家,你可以向亚马逊举证投诉,这个证据需要证明你是该图片的原创者(大家在拍摄图片之后,一定要保留原图信息,这会是你投诉时候最有力的证据),经过亚马逊的查证,情况是真实的话,轻则警告处理,重则直接关店(注意:亚马逊的封店是永久封店)。下面就给大家分享一下向亚马逊举证投诉图片侵权的具体操作流程:第1步:点击链接进入申诉入口美国站 https://www.amazon.com/report/infringement英国站 https://www.amazon.co.uk/report/infringement(非常重要:建议写在小本本上备用)如果你的浏览器没有登录亚马逊账号,需要先登录你的亚马逊账号,如下图。后续亚马逊会通过你的亚马逊账号关联的邮箱跟你沟通投诉的处理进度。https://pic1.zhimg.com/80/v2-98b7928cd325338108610973f715cbac_hd.jpg
l Are you the Rights Owner or an Agent? 部分选择Rights Owner(产权所有人)l The primary complaint pertains to 部分选择 Copyright concerns(产权疑虑)l The specific concern is 具体投诉内容部分选择the image is used without authorization on the product detail page第3步:填写图片产权相关信息l A link to the copyrighted work部分提供你自己的产品链接l Additional Information 的参考模板在文尾https://pic2.zhimg.com/80/v2-8dec0859597b8ea8a3c0cd3938e6d1d5_hd.jpg
第5步:填写投诉人的联系信息在这里需要注意的是E-mail Address 一定要填写你亚马逊账号注册使用的邮箱,在最后一定要勾选已经阅读声明,并且同意声明,才能成功提交投诉。https://pic3.zhimg.com/80/v2-87727f41e3a739bf5817bab7ff96384a_hd.jpg

Dear Amazon,We are writing to report that our copyrighted image has been added to Amazon catalog without our consent.As one example, the main image of ASIN B00BAD created by another seller was used without our permission. Originally, this image was uploaded by us to create ASIN (B00GOOD).We acknowledge that by uploading this image to detail page of ASIN B00GOOD, we grant Amazon and its affiliates a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable right to exercise all rights of publicity over it. We also agree that other sellers can list their items for sale against this specific detail page (ASIN: B00GOOD) provided their physical item is an exact match of the detail page.However, this image was added to Amazon catalog for a different ASIN(B00BAD) by another seller without our consent. This is a breach of our agreement with Amazon. We request Amazon to take immediate measure to end this copyright infringement and take necessary steps to prevent future infringements of our images.We will be happy to assist your investigation by providing original copy of our copyrighted image (with full shooting meta-data) upon your response and request.
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查看完整版本: 亚马逊产品图片被盗用?举证投诉图片侵权完整操作流程(附申诉模板)